Hawthorne Heights
Posted by Tiago Silva | Posted on 6/04/2010 06:00:00 AM

Hawthorne Heights é uma banda de post-hardcore formada em Dayton, Ohio em Junho de 2001. A banda foi inicialmente conhecida como A Day in the Life mas mudou esse nome junto com a mudança de estilo musical.
Inicialmente conhecida como A Day in the Life, depois do lançamento do albúm Nine Reasons to Say Goodbye) e mudanças significativas de estilo, a banda mudou seu nome para Hawthorne Heights. O baterista Eron Bucciarelli decidiu que o nome da banda seria tirado do nome do autor literário Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Track List:
1. Life On Standby
2. Dissolve and Decay
3. Niki FM
4. The Transition
5. Blue Burns Orange
6. Silver Bullet
7. Screenwriting An Apology
8. Ohio Is for Lovers
9. Wake Up Call
10. Sandpaper and Silk
11. Speeding Up the Octaves
12. Silver Bullet (Demo)
13. Niki FM (Demo)
14. Speeding Up the Octaves (Demo)
15. Ohio Is for Lovers (Live Acoustic On Q101)
16. The Transition (Live Acoustic On Q101)
17. Silver Bullet (Acoustic In The Studio)
18. Apparently Hover Boards Don't Work On Water (As a Day In the Life)
Senha: Screaming
1. Life On Standby
2. Dissolve and Decay
3. Niki FM
4. The Transition
5. Blue Burns Orange
6. Silver Bullet
7. Screenwriting An Apology
8. Ohio Is for Lovers
9. Wake Up Call
10. Sandpaper and Silk
11. Speeding Up the Octaves
12. Silver Bullet (Demo)
13. Niki FM (Demo)
14. Speeding Up the Octaves (Demo)
15. Ohio Is for Lovers (Live Acoustic On Q101)
16. The Transition (Live Acoustic On Q101)
17. Silver Bullet (Acoustic In The Studio)
18. Apparently Hover Boards Don't Work On Water (As a Day In the Life)
Senha: Screaming
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