The Smiths - "The Best Of Vol 1 & 2"
Posted by Tiago Silva | Posted on 3/21/2010 01:40:00 PM

2. William, It Was Really Nothing
3. What Difference Does It Make?
4. Stop Me If You Think You´ve Heard This One Before
5. Girlfriend in a Coma
6. Half a Person
7. Rubber Ring
8. How Soon Is Now?
9. Hand in Glove
10. Shoplifters of the World Unite
11. Sheila Take a Bow
12. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
13. Panic
14. Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want

2. The Headmaster Ritual
3. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now
4. Ask
5. Oscillate Wildly
6. Nowhere Fast
7. Still Ill
8. Bigmouth Strikes Again
9. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
10. Shakespeare's Sister
11. Girl Afraid
12. Reel Around the Fountain
13. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
14. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
O que eu posso comentar sobre The meu amigo ouvia essa banda e achava muito brega falava meu como vc consegue ouvir isso...hoje é uma das bandas que mais tem importância em minha vida...pois Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now...
Opa, muito obrigado por disponibilizar, cara!
Acho que descobri The Smiths nos vídeos relacionados do youtube, e desde que ouvi não consigo mais parar. As músicas são tão boas!